Below you will see the wares we have for sale in our "Ship Store".   To ORDER any of our items CLICK HERE!

Click on a picture to see a larger picture of item!


USS New Jersey Hats

ALL Era's


White or Blue



Flaying Squad

Damage Control hat

$20.00 ea


USS New Jersey Hat, BB 62


Brushed Cotton Twill


$20.00 ea

Marine Detachment Hat

USS New Jersey

Red, Green or Tan


$20.00 ea
visor.jpg Visor's

$15.00 ea


Men's Polo Shirts with pocket

Six Colors


ALL 2XL & 3XL Items, ADD $2.00


Men's Polo Shirts without pocket

Six Colors


ALL 2XL & 3XL Items, ADD $2.00


Ladies Polo Shirts

Colors available are 

Red & Blue


ALL 2XL & 3XL Items, ADD $2.00


Men's Tee Shirt (no/pocket)

Six Colors


ALL 2XL & 3XL Items, ADD $2.00


Men's tee shirt - Black Dragon




ALL 2XL & 3XL Items, ADD $2.00


Youth Tee Shirt's

USS New Jersey, BB-62

"Jersey Boy"



Youth Tee Shirt's

USS New Jersey, BB-62

"Jersey Girl"



Sweatshirt - Hooded, 2 Colors

"Firepower for Freedom"


"USS New Jersey"




ALL 2XL & 3XL Items, ADD $2.00

Jacket.jpg Insulated Coach style jacket, 2 Colors


ALL 2XL & 3XL Items, ADD $2.00


USS New Jersey Challenge Coin

$10.00 ea


Hat Pin's


Pick the number(s) you want

and add to the order form.

except #62 (see below)


$6.00 ea


Battleship Hat Pin #62

Gold plated

0117221816.jpg Jacket Patches - 4"

all 4" patches $8:00 ea + shipping

except rocker patch $5:00 ea

Order by number

0624201621.jpg Jacket Patches - 3"

Limited quantity

all 3" patches $4:00 ea + shipping

Order by number

Mug.jpg USS New Jersey Coffee Mug

$12.00 ea

IMG_8579.jpg 75th Anniversary Coffee Mug

$12.00 ea

OfficialMug.jpg USS New Jersey Vets Official Coffee Mug

$12.00 ea

Bumper.jpg USS New Jersey Bumper Sticker

$5.00 ea


USSNJ Name Badges

$20.00 ea

(they can also be ordered at the reunion)

(also if ordered two months before the reunion

they can be picked up at the next reunion!)

History Tag.JPG

USSNJ Reunion History Tag

$8.00 ea

see form 

(they can also be picked up at the reunion)

IMG_8578.jpg Digital cut rear window decal, 12" Long

$12.00 ea

totebag.jpg Tote Bag

$20.00 ea


New Jersey Brass belt buckle

(USA made)

$10.00 ea


New Jersey Dog Tag Key Chain

(nickel plated)

$7.00 ea


Should you have any questions or comments regarding our site or organization, please Email Bob Williams
The information herein is © 2014 to The USS NEW JERSEY Veteran's INC., all rights reserved or the sources are listed respectively.
This web-site designed by Brian Moss a fellow battleship sailor from the USS IOWA(BB-61) and developed by Ed Campbell,

a member of USS New Jersey Veterans, Inc. If you desire to use graphics or other info from this web-site - please Email Bob Williams